attitude n. 1.姿势,身段。 2.态度,看法。 3.【军事】飞行姿态。 4.芭蕾舞的一个姿势。 the attitude of flight 【航空】飞行姿势。 the attitude of mind 心情。 level attitude【航空】水平位置。 strike an attitude装腔作势,摆架子。 take [assumed] an attitude of 取…态度。
It also results in the difference in aesthetic attitude , cultural view and ideology of people . the design theory of this essay is to take this account into the projection of the pedestrian mall 同时也导致了审美趣味、文化观念、思想意识、等多方面的差别,使得城市在自己形成和发展的过程中形成各自的特点。
For strengthening practical value , the thesis designs the process of teaching , analyses its four stages and the implementation strategies of every stage . preparatory stage - forming of aesthetic attitude 为增强直观性和实用性,论文还设计了审美性阅读教学的过程,并对它的四个阶段及每一阶段的应用策略做了分析。
We should found proper atmosphere of teaching and pay close attention to the psychological worlds of students , then make student form good aesthetic attitude and make ready for the reading 准备阶段? ?审美态度的形成。教学中应创设适当的教学氛围、关注学生的心理世界,促使学生形成良好的审美态度,为审美做好准备。
As is a warrior as well as a virtuous man , he brought together the mountains and rivers in the southern and northern part in his writings , with the particular perspective and aesthetic attitude of a painter , thus forming the beautiful mountain and water poems with penetreating power 他是战士,亦为节士,他以画人的独特视界和审美情趣,把身经心历的南北山水尽收笔底,遂形成瘦劲质实,极富穿透力的山水诗章。
The major results of this study were as follows : as a whole , the status quo of subjective well - being of kindergarten teachers at work is not good ; subjective well - being of kindergarten teachers at work is correlation observably to feeling of achievement at work , to social statue of considering themselves , to status quo of feeling at work , to personal developmental opportunities afforded by organization , to personal developmental opportunities gaining themselves and so on ; kindergarten teachers who worked at different kindergarten , different relationships between men and men , their subjective well - being at work is very different ; the major reasons that they gaining subjective well - being at work as follows : praised and sustained by principals , successes at work , children who are pure in heart , praised and sustained by children ' s parents and so on ; the mayor reasons that they losing subjective well - being at work as follows : mechanism and miscellaneous of work . misunderstandings of children ' s parents , without safety and stability at work and so on ; subjective well - being of kindergarten teachers at work changes according to some rules ; all these facts contribute to gaining subjective well - being at work : positive relationships between teacher and children , aesthetic attitude to work , humanistic management , opportunities of special development and so on 主要研究结论有:从总体上来说,幼儿教师职业幸福感现状不容乐观;幼儿教师职业幸福感与工作成就感、自己认为的社会地位、工作感受状况、组织提供给教师个人发展机会、教师主动获得个人发展机会等因素之间存在显著性相关;工作在不同级别幼儿园、不同人际关系氛围中的幼儿园教师,其职业幸福感存在显著性差异;幼儿教师获得职业幸福感的主要原因有:领导的支持与肯定、工作中常能获得成功、幼儿的天真无暇、家长的支持和肯定等;而幸福感失落的主要原因有:工作机械繁琐、家长的不理解、工作没有安全感和稳定感等;幼儿教师职业幸福感存在一定变化规律:积极的师幼关系、以审美的态度对待工作、人本管理、获得专业发展机会等都有助于幼儿教师获得职业幸福感。